[Salon] 'Finish the Job': At GOP Presidential Debate, Candidates Compete to Back Israel's War on Hamas - U.S. News - Haaretz.com

Why do we hear so little of the “war-inciters” always present in a Democratic administration, as the “Republican/Conservative opposition,” an ever-present part of every US war, ensuring there’s no “weakness” displayed by the Democrat’s, who if we’re not already in a war brought on by US provocations, the Republicans/Conservatives historically and relentlessly pressure the Democrats to get us in or to initiate one, as Teddy Roosevelt and the Republicans did to Wilson for WW I, beginning immediately when war broke out in Europe in 1914? Here’s the latest example of that, with Yoram Hazony, of course, a vital part of that, along with fascist Steve Bannon, as the other part of the interview I shared the other day.

BLUF: "Republican officials present at the debate said that the general messaging stood in stark contrast with U.S. President Joe Biden’s approach, who has steadily qualified his support for Israel with the need for it to operate within the confines of international humanitarian law. Officials further criticized Biden’s calls for humanitarian pauses.

“I’m sick of hearing people blame Israel,” DeSantis said, while Haley noted Iran’s malign influence throughout the region. Scott took the harshest tone against Biden, accusing him of having blood on his hands, while Christie acknowledged Israel’s intelligence apparatus failed and encouraged it to bolster its alliances with Arab states against Iran.

"RJC CEO Matt Brooks asked Haley and DeSantis – the two most likely candidates to consolidate support as opposition to Trump – if they would support taking military action against Iran.

"Haley vowed she would go further than Biden’s tit-for-tat strategy amid the current escalation in the Middle East, while DeSantis said he would not put U.S. troops in harm’s way unless they were prepared to respond with the fullest force. (TP-which they would be, under his Command!) 

Biden is getting a lot of well-deserved kicking around by those who oppose the proxy wars the U.S. is in, in Ukraine and in Palestine. That is, by the Ignoramuses, like some “libertarian” websites, as one example, without naming names. And the other’s “kicking him around,” as here, by the “Right-wing Peaceniks;” for not waging the wars more aggressively! Or in the case of Russia, by a very few, for having the wrong priority at this moment, when the US War on China should be a higher priority, as some insist. Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 “lets the cat out of the bag,” by demanding war against all the foregoing, not necessarily in any order, as they’re all “in our interests,” the new “code” of the Right in calling for wars of aggression (no more “Democracy Promotion” as people stopped falling for that). 

“Kicking” Biden will no doubt help get Trump, DeSantis, or Haley elected as our next POTUS. Which is obviously the intent by those who by “omission,” campaign for Trump, DeSantis, or Haley. If either of the former two, the so-called “anti-Neoconservatives,” the “Traditional Conservatives/Right-wing Peaceniks,” as so exulted at programs put on by The American Conservative and the Quincy Institute on “The New Right,” as one example, an “Age of Peace” will descend upon the World, they will have you believe. As an identical “Cognitive Operation” run by Steve Bannon, Peter Thiel, Sheldon Adelson, and Charles Koch, et al., convinced a lot of war-weary Americans to take a chance that Trump actually meant it; to “End the Endless Wars,” in 2016. And we got perhaps the largest military buildup in U.S. history, at least during the”peacetime,” along with an expansion of force deployment to complete the encirclement of Russia and China, to go with Trump’s many other provocations. Often as they were,  “concealed” by his duplicitous language, as when the supposed redeployment of Marines to the Russia and China theaters, was claimed as a “pull-out of the Mideast to “end the wars” there.  

Not to flatter myself, but “Bullshit" I called, from the beginning, in 2015, using as my “indicator” in a “Network Analysis," Michael Flynn as co-author with Michael Ledeen of a war-inciting book, that year. And then, having “established his bona fides,” recruited by Trump for his campaign. As one can see in looking back at my old emails. My claim generated some anger here, as I was going against some pro-Trump, New Right, Heritage Foundation, propagandists, making wild-eyed claims that Trump’s election spelled the “End of Neoconservatism!” That grew even more incredible when it was asserted that as Trump was a “Traditional Conservative,” therefore, so they would have it, he continued that “Conservative anti-war tradition.” As Barry Goldwater and CIA ultra-right Hawks Willmoore Kendall and James Burnham represented. 🤣 Whom were deemed as those whose works (of political theory) we had to “revisit.” 

As well, Conservative co-founder of the Quincy Institute Andrew Bacevich put out a book on “Conservatism,” promoting the foregoing as Conservatives whom it was necessary to “reclaim!” Along with claims made elsewhere that they were the “Prophets of Modern Conservatism, precursors to Trumpism, whom we must study to understand Trumpism., as the ’solution” to our current crises! All “admissions" that “Modern Conservatism,” or “Traditional Conservatism,” or the "New Right," all terms tactically chosen for their “Cognitive War” value, is an unbroken ideological chain of war mongering/war incitement, from the formation of the "Conservative Movement” in the 1950s by disaffected CIA officers for the purpose of inciting “roll-back” (war), down to the present as “Coalition Partners” with the Israeli Fascist Settler Movement. The culmination of an ideology put into effect in the 1950s to promote a U.S. Military Industrial Complex, now far advanced to a U.S. Military/Surveillance Industrial Complex, with the likes of surveillance corporation Palantir founder Peter Thiel the new “MSIC/National Conservative Godfather.” 

As there was no opposition to such fanatical ideas and people, I felt like I’d fallen into another dimension here. And try as I might, and resorting to letting the “Traditional Conservatives” of the past “speak for themselves” in their own written works, denouncing the Constitution for including the Bill of Rights as they did, particularly the First Amendment, there was no overcoming of this Cognitive War Operation” which continues to this day, with Settler Fascist Yoram Hazony so favored here. And I was up against libertarian supporters of Trump like the late Justin Raimondo’s writings, who with Murray Rothbard (both of whom I read and learned from) opposed our US wars so well, but also foster a “mythology” of an “antiwar Right.” Which doesn’t hold up to an objective historical scrutiny. But for the “Right,” with a war weary populace, one can see how a genuine genius, albeit it a Carl Schmitt./Leo Strauss aficionado, like Peter Thiel, could conceive of a “Cognitive Warfare Campaign” with a meme that it’s only the “Traditional Conservatives,” like Trump was made out to be, who would "end the endless wars.” And “Fight the Blob,” a “Blob” which Thiel intended to displace with his own “Blob,” to include Palantir, and a new creation, Anduril, to go with Elon Musk’s own high-tech, biometric firm and SpaceX, etc., all designed to surveil us, incessantly! And promoted by, of course, the Heritage Foundation: 

"We decided to refuse funding from the defense industry, but that isn’t because we oppose American power like the left does. It’s because we want to offer clearsighted analysis to the U.S. military, which has limited resources and faces multiplying threats, without even the appearance of outside influence. . . .For decades, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin and others have used their bureaucratic prowess to sideline cutting-edge companies with better technology but worse connections, such as SpaceX (Musk), Palantir (Thiel) and Anduril (Musk and Thiel). 

Quote: "But a growing array of venture capital firms see things differently. Anduril is backed by several notable ones, including Founders Fund, created by the PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel; Andreessen Horowitz; and General Catalyst. . . . With seed funding from the Founders Fund, Anduril was created in 2017. The founders included several former employees of Palantir, the Founders Fund-backed company that helps collect and analyze data for the government, and Mr. Luckey."

“Meet the New Blob, same as the Old Blob,” but with Peter Thiel at the center, and I would not be surprised to learn that he and one or two other MSIC Oligarchs are doing much of the funding of the Heritage Foundation now, as well as some “Right-wing Peacenik Think-tanks” and their publications now.

Now we have Biden, being crucified for any hint of “weakness” in support for Israel’s genocide, notwithstanding all that he’s doing to facilitate it. With Yoram Hazony and Steve Bannon both leaders in making those charges, as “influencers” of the Republicans and more specifically the “New Right.” https://rumble.com/v3t8r7q-hazony-an-israeli-ceasefire-must-be-leveraged-to-release-all-hostages-vs.-t.html

The idea that there’s a “sharp divide” between Neoconservatives/Straussians, and so-called Traditional Conservatives/New Rightists, is belied here, on Powerline. The founders of which I knew at about the time they were creating this website and organization, as “West Coast Straussians,” connecting up with the Claremont Institute (and maybe even it was I who put them in touch with each other, as I knew both, which I’m trying to atone for now :-) with the list of all that they support, along with Hazony, clearly showing the “intersectionality” of  West-Coast Straussianism, National Conservatism, Traditional Conservatism, and Settler Fascism: https://www.powerlineblog.com/archives/2018/11/the-virtue-of-nationalism.php

"Thiel is also acquainted with Yoram Hazony, the Israeli-born political theorist creditedwith establishing an intellectual basis for national conservative thinking. In a recent email to JI, Hazony, who lives in Jerusalem and chairs the Edmund Burke Foundation, said he is “in touch” with Thiel but declined to comment further.

"Meanwhile, Thiel’s apparent reservations over living in Israel, where he holds investments, have not kept him from visiting. In 2017, he met with Benjamin Netanyahu, who was then the Israeli prime minister, and spoke before an audience of tech entrepreneurs in Tel Aviv, where the PayPal co-founder and early Facebook backer praisedthe “startup nation” as an economic success story. 

"Thiel, a committed Christian, has otherwise expressed admiration for Israel as an ideological project. In an interview with the Hoover Institution two years ago, the venture capitalist claimed to view the Jewish state, along with the U.S. and the U.K., as an ideal model of national self-assertion, standing athwart what he characterized as the twin threats of “Islamic Sharia law” and “Chinese communist” surveillance."

'Finish the Job': At GOP Presidential Debate, Candidates Compete to Back Israel's War on Hamas - U.S. News - Haaretz.com

MIAMI – Republican presidential contenders, not named Donald Trump, on Wednesday attempted to differentiate themselves from the pack, as well as the GOP front-runner, by highlighting their pro-Israel bona fides and how they would combat the domestic spillover of the October 7 attack and the subsequent Gaza war.

The debate capped a banner few weeks for the Republican Jewish Coalition, which has consolidated its importance in the GOP as it aims to make its disagreements with Democrats on Israel one of the key differentiating points between the parties.

The RJC co-sponsored the televised debate, a first for both a Jewish organization and major political party. It came on the heels of it hosting the candidates, including former President Trump, at its annual confab in Las Vegas last month.

All five candidates – Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, former U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy – detailed the carte blanche they would provide Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as Israel works to eradicate Hamas.

All the candidates echoed themes of “finish the job,” with all but the isolationist Ramaswamy supporting Israel with whatever they need whenever they need it.

Republican officials present at the debate said that the general messaging stood in stark contrast with U.S. President Joe Biden’s approach, who has steadily qualified his support for Israel with the need for it to operate within the confines of international humanitarian law. Officials further criticized Biden’s calls for humanitarian pauses.

“I’m sick of hearing people blame Israel,” DeSantis said, while Haley noted Iran’s malign influence throughout the region. Scott took the harshest tone against Biden, accusing him of having blood on his hands, while Christie acknowledged Israel’s intelligence apparatus failed and encouraged it to bolster its alliances with Arab states against Iran.

RJC CEO Matt Brooks asked Haley and DeSantis – the two most likely candidates to consolidate support as opposition to Trump – if they would support taking military action against Iran.

Haley vowed she would go further than Biden’s tit-for-tat strategy amid the current escalation in the Middle East, while DeSantis said he would not put U.S. troops in harm’s way unless they were prepared to respond with the fullest force.

Republican presidential candidate businessman Vivek Ramaswamy talks with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during a Republican presidential primary debate on Wednesday.

Republican presidential candidate businessman Vivek Ramaswamy talks with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis during a Republican presidential primary debate on Wednesday.Credit: Rebecca Blackwell /AP

The candidates further decried rising antisemitism on college campuses, taking turns at vowing to withhold federal funding from universities that fail to quell pro-Palestinian activism, with several candidates vowing to revoke student visas of participating students.

Scott invited a group of Jewish students to attend the debate, saying “as hate and antisemitism proliferate on college campuses, it is more important than ever to educate the minds of our next generation with thoughtful debate and discussion.”

DeSantis further decried Biden for launching a national strategy to combat Islamophobia (he incredulously asked: “Islamophobia?”) – the debate’s starkest example of what has been a growing trend over the past month, of Republicans outdoing one another to adopt the hardest anti-Palestinian line under the guise of supporting Israel.

It also cast further light on the intra-party debate on the merits of isolationism amid growing skepticism of the Biden administration’s attempts to link the wars in Israel and Ukraine by word and deed.

Ramaswamy, who is rapidly dropping in the polls, used his time at the debate to become, what one of his flacks glowingly deemed “unhinged”, by calling upon Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel to resign on stage, saying Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan and Elon Musk should have hosted the debate instead of NBC moderators.

Ramaswamy, who has previously called for an end to U.S. aid to Israel, attempted to describe that his skepticism of U.S. support for Israel’s war was not anti-Israel (first tested last week in Las Vegas), but was an encouragement for Israel not to rely on anyone else

He further called on Israel to avoid the “neocon mistakes of America’s past,” dismissing Haley as “Dick Cheney in heels.”

Ramaswamy similarly took a different tone on the issue of antisemitism, also raised by Brooks, by calling it “a symptom of a deeper cancer in America.” He said ignorant pro-Palestinian college students need leadership instead of censorship, which would “create a worse underbelly.”

The isolationist debate further flared up regarding Ukraine, with Scott (the only active member of Congress in the field) opposing packaging emergency Ukraine aid with Israel assistance.

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Florida on Wednesday.

Republican presidential candidate and former U.S. President Donald Trump during a campaign rally in Florida on Wednesday.Credit: Octavio Jones/Reuters

Ramaswamy argued Scott’s answer proved “the hawks are quietly coming around,” realizing that Ukraine is supposedly not a democracy and therefore not worth investment.

“It celebrated a Nazi in its ranks – the comedian in cargo pants, a man called Zelenskyy,” Ramaswamy said about Ukraine’s Jewish president. The smear has been among the more common conspiracies trafficked by the far-right skeptical of US support for Ukraine.

Haley warned Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping were “salivating” at Ramaswamy’s answer, adding that allies understand moving on from Ukraine would eventually mean moving on from Israel.

The debate occurred as Trump held a competing rally several miles away, only coming out on stage as soon as the debate began. The dynamic is the latest example of what the RJC confab made so clear – that Trump is far and away the desired candidate for the Republican base, and the other candidates are only competing for who may lose to him by the least votes.

“They’re unwatchable,” he told his adoring crowd upon taking the stage.

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